Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Great weekend of Movies coming Up!

So this friday Dec. 11th, some really great movies are going to be out in theaters, and I am really excited!! One for example is Disney's "The Princess and the Frog," which takes us back to the 2D animation many of us grew up watching. A really interesting story, with great music, and fun quirky characters. I am really excited for this movie, not just because its an African American Princess, but because we are back to the original Disney movies, which are in itself, spectacles. So watch for it, because Magic only comes around every so often!!

"Invictus" is another film which comes out on Friday, and that is an exciting one about Nelson Mandela's unification of South Africa, after the apartheids. He used Rugby, as a unification agent, to bring his people together. Another one I am super excited about, and hoping that a lot of people see it. It has Morgan Freeman, who is legendary, and Matt Damon, who is also fantastic, but especially in this movie.

Then Peter Jackson's "The Lovely Bones" also comes out, based on the Bestselling Novel, and this one looks like it should be good. Not such a huge fan of the leading actress, who's names, unfortunately at this juncture is escaping me, but Mark Whalberg, and Rachel Wiez, are definitely two of my favorites, and while I don't like seeing actors I like play villains, Stanley Tucci, as the bad guy in this movie, does it well!

Well if you needed a boost, about something to see this weekend, I hope this helped, because if I will be at the theater as well!! Hope you are a well, and its getting closer to the holidays!!! YAY


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Really Funny Video!!

I was on Facebook, and my friend Kjell, just posted a link to this great video of the Muppets doing Requiem for Dream, and its fantastic!! If you literally just have five minutes, take a peek, at genius! I hope everyone is doing well, and have a great Thanksgiving, if I don't get back on before then. I posted the video below!


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Just some Problems!!!

So I have started a new screenplay, a script, which I am really excited about, but then again I was really excited about all the other scripts I have started and not finished. It totally sucks to have an idea, however unformed it was, a good idea, and when you try to communicate it in writing, the coolness kinda fizzles away. So that makes me wonder whether the idea was good enough before I started writing it down, or wether I am just bad at writing screenplays. I hope its neither, but I am not sure.

So I would describe the script i am working on but I don't want to do it here, and have someone read my blog, and steal my idea, because that would suck. So I will keep my concept carefully sealed away till I have finished more, registered it with a WGA number and talked to my lawyer. And then I will, unleash my awesome concept on the world!!! I will finish this one, I have to, and I want to make something else short so I can enter a few festivals, because I am still a no one, and you have to be someone to make it this industry!! Anyhoo, I am going to enjoy my Thursday night, write some emails, and figure out my script!! I hope you have a good thursday night too!! Byes

Saturday, November 14, 2009

A Saturday Morning, ritual, reviewing!!

Happy Saturday,

I am not sure why these days, there are no more original ideas when it comes to making movies. Old movies keep being re-made, and I am confused where all the creativity has gone. especially in horror movies, I mean when does, having the same basic structure in every horror movie finally get old!! We had Paranormal Activity, come out, and every body flipped a shit, saying how scared they were, when in fact the movie basically alienates anyone in the population, that hasn't had a mysterious demon who has been following them since when they 8. Which I would probably say is about 95% of the population, and I am probably being a bit generous!! I mean wow, if people can get freaked out by a bunch of closing doors, loud noises, swinging chandeliers, and bird feet (where honestly, it looked like an invisible Big Bird, thought he would by and visit.) AHHHHHH i am so scared. LOL, and I mean I was in the trailer for the freakin thing, yeah I was one of the special few who got to see it early, I am so glad I saw it for FREE!! WOw, I weep for the future of horror if shit like this gets people scared! I was well made, I will give them that, the premise could have been really scary, but the story plot, just killed it!! Anyhoo, I am glad it beat Saw, I mean 6 of those really!! Geeze, I am really excited about Pirate Radio, it seems to be a lot of fun, and I will be seeing it tomorrow. And the Men Who Stare at Goats, although I have gotten some mixed reviews about it! Well I hope this has proved to be enlightening to some people, hopefully those people who haven't seen it yet, won't see it, but if you have people asking you to go, I would say, you should respectfully decline!!

Stay cool,


Monday, October 19, 2009

The Film Comps Trailer!!

This is a link to the trailer for the 2009 Occidental College Film Comps, which I helped make!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Why am I Making Movies Personal??

I believe that movies are the most critical form of mass communication available today, with the internet coming in at a close second. So I have decided to combine the two. I recently purchased a green screen, and a light kit, so that I could make funny visual effects on my own, but I haven't used it. I recently saw a commercial that sparked my interest, and showed me that you could put yourself the in the movies you really loved. Have you ever imagined yourself kissing the leading man or woman, jumping out of a airplane, having a shootout in a speeding car, or just being generally really awesome, and impressing all of your friends. But you haven't really accomplished all that yet, well here is your solution. Putting yourself in the movie makes them even more personal then they would be on their own. How cool is that!! Well that is my grand scheme, if your interested in being a test subject so I can find out if my plan really works, please let me know!! Post below with contact info, and I will get back to you!

Here is "The Make-Up" for your viewing pleasure!!

I made this as my senior thesis film at Occidental College, I really had a great time making it and I hope you enjoy watching it. Please give me your thoughts!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Make-Up

One of the first films I made at Occidental College, is about a love triangle gone wrong. There is no dialogue, so its music and body language based. It was quite fun to work on, and you will see some of the actors again in other films I make!


Monday, June 1, 2009


I have films from my production company, that were made early in my career that I will add on the next post, however I don't think I have my external harddrive, with my movies, but we will see.  My latest film is called The Make-Up, and I will post it later.
