Thursday, November 19, 2009

Just some Problems!!!

So I have started a new screenplay, a script, which I am really excited about, but then again I was really excited about all the other scripts I have started and not finished. It totally sucks to have an idea, however unformed it was, a good idea, and when you try to communicate it in writing, the coolness kinda fizzles away. So that makes me wonder whether the idea was good enough before I started writing it down, or wether I am just bad at writing screenplays. I hope its neither, but I am not sure.

So I would describe the script i am working on but I don't want to do it here, and have someone read my blog, and steal my idea, because that would suck. So I will keep my concept carefully sealed away till I have finished more, registered it with a WGA number and talked to my lawyer. And then I will, unleash my awesome concept on the world!!! I will finish this one, I have to, and I want to make something else short so I can enter a few festivals, because I am still a no one, and you have to be someone to make it this industry!! Anyhoo, I am going to enjoy my Thursday night, write some emails, and figure out my script!! I hope you have a good thursday night too!! Byes

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