Monday, April 12, 2010

It's been a while

I apologize, to who ever read this, not that anyone does, but I am back again. One of our shows premiered last night to much acclaim, if you have the time, Treme, should certainly be at the top of your watch list, for shows. If not, you are totally missing out. I am continuing my script, and I have changed my title again, so until I get more down, I am going to hold off for registering it. Still trying to figure a way to get to Comic-Con, because it would be totally amazing to go this year, however, I was way to late to get tickets, but we shall see. I am liking my job, we are ahead of schedule at this point, which is great, but more is coming, and I am looking forward to that. Umm, got a funny manicure this weekend, who knew that just getting white tips on my fingers was such an ordeal, I mean my nails still feel wierd, but we shall see how long they last, hopefully it was worth the price i paid for them. My pedicure is great though. Umm, crazy friday into saturday, helping my friend Michelle with her film, but fun nonetheless, and I get a credit and copy, so that is good. I still can't believe we are in the second week of April, we are slowly creeping toward summer, so its crazy, and especially for all my friends still in school, who are graduating, they are so excited. I am so ready for summer, thinking about buying a kayak, but we will see how the rest of April goes, I don't plan on buying one till I am sure I am gonna use it! Alright, well I am gonna go, I will write more soon.


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